4 easy ways to increase productivity

April 15, 2021
  1. Keep planning simple and effective

Some entrepreneurs love planning and use all kinds of technological tools (some quite expensive) to plan every step. However, they forget that planning is not an end in itself, but a tool to meet the strategic objectives of the company.

To be more efficient, the entrepreneur must be careful about making the right decisions at the right time and must act quickly, instead of planning scenarios, most of which will probably never happen.

In an environment of intense competition and a difficult economic context, it is better to focus on the tasks that are essential to the survival of the company.

To become a more productive entrepreneur, try to:

  • keep a simple and efficient planning system,
  • do not overdo it (too much planning kills planning),
  • and use planning for what it is: a way to stay on course and give investors back their strategic vision.
  1. Organize your data

Entrepreneurial life is governed by situations as unforeseen as each other. To cope, an entrepreneur must be able to sort out what is essential and what is not.

In the same way, he must show a great sense of organization, insofar as he will have to deal with several files at the same time.

Managing the company’s finances, human resources, legal aspects, or even customers and suppliers are all daily battles that the contractor has to deliver.

To save time, put the rigor in the method of classification of its files. So you find all your information when you need it.

For example, keep on hand everything essential for the files that you will have to deal with immediately, and free your office of any paperwork useless for the moment or which has already been treated.

To increase productivity and efficiency, centralize, and structure all your data. In a word, digitalize yourself.

And as we do your bookkeeping over the water, you’ll see your data in real-time, especially the status of your missing parts.

Result: you become a more productive entrepreneur because you do not waste your time trying to find your documents, contact your suppliers or even raise them several times hoping that they want to send you a copy of the lost documents …


  1. Ban procrastination to increase productivity

How to be more productive with all the tasks that a contractor has to do in one day (and which are not always a part of the pleasure, far from it).

There are some unrewarding tasks that we all tend to postpone, favoring more motivating and challenging ones, as risky as it may be for the company.

The entrepreneur must lead by example and not shy away from all these tasks, so does the credibility of his leadership.

To procrastinate and put back what we can do right away only adds to the workload that we will endorse later, and after all, we do not know what tomorrow will hold.

Therefore, to get rid of what can be done now, to move on. You will gain in efficiency and you will free your mind by accomplishing your tasks as and when.

Also, it is better to set milestones with measurable goals, and clearly define the responsibilities of each for each task so that deadlines are met.


  1. Do not let meetings go on forever

Very few people appreciate endless meetings and with undefined purposes. Often, they fall right when you have a lot of urgent files to deal with.

In the interest of all, try to limit meetings in the long run and focus only on the essential topics.

To improve your entrepreneur productivity, a meeting must be accompanied by:

  • an agenda communicated well in advance so that employees can prepare their part of the work,
  • rules that aim to establish and maintain respect for timing,
  • concrete actions to undertake and evaluate.

Meetings are used to find solutions, define how to implement and coordinate between different stakeholders, otherwise they can be a waste of time for the entrepreneur.

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